Friday, June 20, 2008

My First Blog

This is my first attempt at creating a blog. I am on a journey to get healthy and fit and thought it would be great to share this experience with whomever is interested in helping me strive to reach my goals. If you noticed the widget's on my blog, you will see that my goal is to lose 80lbs. I started my weight loss on April 4, 2008 and have lost a total of 15lbs so far. I have had a few setbacks, but got back on track quickly. I have had a dream of running a marathon, and can see myself crossing the finish line. It is a long road to being prepared mentally and physically to run a marathon, so I am taking it slow and taking one step at a time. My first small goal is to do a few 5K races this year and work my way up to a marathon. I am currently training for my first 5K Race on July 26, 2008. This race is the Joseph C. Monastra 5K Run - Refusing To Lose - The Fight Against Pancreatic Cancer. I will be running in memory of my Grandfather who died of Pancreatic Cancer March 03, 1996. I am following the Couch 2 5K training plan from Coolrunning. I found a PODCAST on iTunes that has a 9 week program, it is nice because they tell you when to run, and when to walk, slowly working your way up to the 5K. I just finished up week three and will start week four on Sunday. Week three consisted of a brisk 5 minute walk, followed by 2 sets of running 90 seconds, walk 90 seconds, run 3 minutes and recover 3 mintues, followed by a 5 minute cool down. I did great this week, and can't wait to get started on week 4. I will keep everyone posted on how the week goes.

1 comment:

John said...

Great start! Keep up the good work! Look forward to reading about your races!